Tuesday 24 May 2011

New iPhone app to try out this weekend

iMapMyHike is a new app designed to load or map walks.  Using the internal GPS of the iPhone it can track routes taken by marking the path along an interactive map.  It records paramters such as duration, distance, pace, speed and elevation.

from MapMyHike you can search millions of hikes on the database, bookmark them and then navigate the trails on the app.  if more than one of you from a group are using teh app you can see their whereabouts on the map as well (might be a bit extreme tieing another iphone to Betty so we dont lose her as much!).

its not had the best of reviews - a bit mixed if people like it or not - so i will give it a bash while camping/walking this weekend and see how we get on.  as long as it doesnt interfere in our Geocaching whilst we walk we are onto a winner!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

1st camping expedition of the year! Easter 2011

We dusted off the tent and away we went - as the weather was so gorgeous we packed the car thursday evening to make sure we got the whole easter weekend to chillax!  Our destination was Shrewsbury county show ground and the TAG dog agility show.

Now it was my first ever dog show trip, but with Anna and her family veterens at it there was lots of experience around to answer my stupid questions!  Anna's family run a dog training school which includes obidience but mainly teaches the art of 'dog agility training'.  I thought this would be a great opportunity to test out my new zoom lens with lots of Dogs jumping over things and running through things!

The weather held out all weekend and it was bloody glorious - factor 30 was needed every day, and Betty and Wilma (along with skip, jack, della, badger, hugo and millie) regularly needed a dip in the Severn to cool off.  My lens worked realy well too, outshining the kit lens in a comparison, I took some ace photos!

Im taking Wilma to agility training this week as she got so excited during the weekend and apparently she will be ace at it!