Tuesday 24 May 2011

New iPhone app to try out this weekend

iMapMyHike is a new app designed to load or map walks.  Using the internal GPS of the iPhone it can track routes taken by marking the path along an interactive map.  It records paramters such as duration, distance, pace, speed and elevation.

from MapMyHike you can search millions of hikes on the database, bookmark them and then navigate the trails on the app.  if more than one of you from a group are using teh app you can see their whereabouts on the map as well (might be a bit extreme tieing another iphone to Betty so we dont lose her as much!).

its not had the best of reviews - a bit mixed if people like it or not - so i will give it a bash while camping/walking this weekend and see how we get on.  as long as it doesnt interfere in our Geocaching whilst we walk we are onto a winner!

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