Tuesday 3 January 2012

Its been a while...

not that I have been hibernating or anything, but no internet at home seriously limits when and where i can blog.  That will change at the end of the month when we move house and get braoband installed (hoorah!).

Christmas break has been lovely, with some good treks around areas of Cannock Chase, which is a great place for walking the dogs as well as mountain biking enthusiasts.  There are many paths interlinking across the Area Of Natural Beauty (AONB) which also includes part of the 'Heart of England way', 'Staffordshire way', and 'Forest of Mercia way' routes. link to larger map HERE

we also spent a few days with my family in North Wales, and managed 2 lovely walks along the beach from Prestatyn to Rhyl, which the dogs loved immensly!  Rhyl isnt the nicest place in the world, but the walk a long the beach is just lovely when the weather is good.

back to reality now though, and back to work with a bump today!  Our new subscription to Trail magazine will surely keep us busy planning our year of walking!

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